SNAP Library 2.0, Developer Reference  2013-05-13 16:33:57
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #ifndef Snap_SubGraphEnum_h
00002 #define Snap_SubGraphEnum_h
00004 #include "Snap.h"
00007 // Subgraph enumeration 
00008 //
00009 // Enumerates all connected induced subgraph on SubGraphSz nodes
00010 // The algorithm is described in Efficient Detection of Network 
00011 // Motifs by Sebastian Wernicke, IEEE/ACM Transactions on 
00012 // Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2006.
00014 template<class TGraphCounter>
00015 class TSubGraphEnum {
00016 private:
00017         class TSSet {
00018         protected:
00019                 int m_capacity;
00020                 int m_size;
00021                 bool *m_nodes;
00022         public:
00023                 TSSet(int capacity) {
00024                         m_nodes = (bool *)malloc(capacity); memset(m_nodes, 0, capacity);
00025                         m_capacity = capacity; m_size = 0; }
00026                 TSSet(const TSSet &set) {
00027                         m_nodes = (bool *)malloc(set.m_capacity); memcpy(m_nodes, set.m_nodes, set.m_capacity);
00028                         m_capacity = set.m_capacity; m_size = set.m_size; }
00029                 ~TSSet() { free(m_nodes); }
00030         public:
00031                 inline void Add(int i) { if(!m_nodes[i]) m_size++; m_nodes[i]=true; }
00032                 inline void Remove(int i) { m_nodes[i]=false; m_size--; }
00033                 inline bool IsKey(int i) const { return m_nodes[i]; }
00034                 inline int Capacity() const { return m_capacity; }
00035                 inline int Size() const { return m_size; }
00036                 inline bool operator[](int i) const { return m_nodes[i]; }
00037         };
00038         class TSVec {
00039         protected:
00040                 int m_capacity;
00041                 int m_size;
00042                 int *m_arr;
00043                 TIntV m_v;
00044         public:
00045                 TSVec(int capacity) {
00046                         m_v.Gen(capacity); m_arr = (int *) m_v.BegI();
00047       for(int i=0; i<capacity; i++) { m_arr[i]=-1; }
00048                         m_capacity = capacity; m_size = 0; }
00049         public:
00050                 inline bool Contains(int nodeId) const {
00051                         for(int i=0; i<m_size; i++) { if(m_arr[i]==nodeId) return true; } return false; }
00052         public:
00053                 inline void Push(int nodeId) { m_arr[m_size]=nodeId; m_size++; }
00054                 inline void Pop() { m_size--; m_arr[m_size]=-1; }
00055                 inline int Capacity() const { return m_capacity; }
00056                 inline int Size() const { return m_size; }
00057                 inline const TIntV &getVec() const { return m_v; }
00058                 inline int operator[](int i) const { return m_arr[i]; }
00059         };
00060 private:
00061         PNGraph m_graph;
00062         int m_nodes;
00063         int m_subGraphSz;
00064         TGraphCounter *m_functor;
00065 private:
00066         void GetSubGraphs_recursive(TSVec &sg, const TSSet &sgNbrs, TSSet &ext, int vId);
00067         void GetSubGraphs_recursive(TSVec &sg, const TSSet &sgNbrs, TSSet &ext);
00068 public: 
00069   TSubGraphEnum() { }
00070         //Graph must be normalized (vertex ids are 0,1,2,...)
00071         void GetSubGraphs(PNGraph &Graph, int SubGraphSz, TGraphCounter& Counter);
00072         void GetSubGraphs(PNGraph &Graph, int NId, int SubGraphSz, TGraphCounter& Counter);
00073 };
00074 // TGraphCounter must implement 
00075 // void operator()(const PNGraph &G, const TIntV &SubGraphNIdV);
00076 // which gets called whenever a new subgraph on nodes in SubGraphNIdV is identified
00079 // TSubGraphEnum implementation
00080 template <class TGraphCounter>
00081 void TSubGraphEnum<TGraphCounter>::GetSubGraphs_recursive(TSVec &sg, const TSSet &sgNbrs, TSSet &ext, int vId) {
00082         if(sg.Size() == m_subGraphSz) { (*m_functor)(m_graph, sg.getVec()); return; }
00083         //
00084         for(int i=0; i<ext.Capacity(); i++) {
00085                 while(ext[i] == false) {
00086                         i++;
00087                         if(i == ext.Capacity()) return;
00088                 }
00089                 //
00090                 int wId = i;
00091                 TNGraph::TNodeI wIt = m_graph->GetNI(wId);
00092                 int wDeg = wIt.GetDeg();
00093                 //
00094                 ext.Remove(wId);
00095                 //
00096                 TSSet newExt = ext;
00097                 TSSet newSgNbrs = sgNbrs;
00098                 for(int j=0; j<wDeg; j++) {
00099                         int nbrId = wIt.GetNbrNId(j);
00100                         if(nbrId > vId && !sgNbrs.IsKey(nbrId) && !sg.Contains(nbrId)) {
00101                                 newExt.Add(nbrId);
00102                                 newSgNbrs.Add(nbrId);
00103                         }
00104                 }
00105                 sg.Push(wId);
00106                 GetSubGraphs_recursive(sg, newSgNbrs, newExt, vId);
00107                 sg.Pop();
00108         }
00109 }
00111 template <class TGraphCounter>
00112 void TSubGraphEnum<TGraphCounter>::GetSubGraphs(PNGraph &Graph, int SubGraphSz, TGraphCounter &Functor) {
00113         m_graph = Graph;
00114         m_nodes = m_graph->GetNodes();
00115         m_subGraphSz = SubGraphSz;
00116         m_functor = &Functor;
00117         //
00118         TExeTm extime;
00119         for(TNGraph::TNodeI it=m_graph->BegNI(); it<m_graph->EndNI(); it++) {
00120                 int vId = it.GetId();
00121                 int vDeg = it.GetDeg();
00122                 //Subgraph
00123                 TSVec sg(SubGraphSz);
00124                 sg.Push(vId);
00125                 //Subgraph extension
00126                 TSSet ext(m_nodes);
00127                 for(int i=0; i<vDeg; i++) {
00128                         int nbrId = it.GetNbrNId(i);
00129                         if(nbrId > vId) 
00130                                 ext.Add(nbrId);
00131                 }
00132                 //Subgraph neighbours
00133                 TSSet sgNbrs = ext;
00134                 GetSubGraphs_recursive(sg, sgNbrs, ext, vId);
00135         }
00136         //printf("secs: %llf\n", extime.GetSecs());
00137 }
00139 template <class TGraphCounter>
00140 void TSubGraphEnum<TGraphCounter>::GetSubGraphs_recursive(TSVec &sg, const TSSet &sgNbrs, TSSet &ext) {
00141         if(sg.Size() == m_subGraphSz) { (*m_functor)(m_graph, sg.getVec()); return; }
00142         //
00143         for(int i=0; i<ext.Capacity(); i++) {
00144                 while(ext[i] == false) {
00145                         i++;
00146                         if(i == ext.Capacity()) return;
00147                 }
00148                 //
00149                 int wId = i;
00150                 TNGraph::TNodeI wIt = m_graph->GetNI(wId);
00151                 int wDeg = wIt.GetDeg();
00152                 //
00153                 ext.Remove(wId);
00154                 //
00155                 TSSet newExt = ext;
00156                 TSSet newSgNbrs = sgNbrs;
00157                 for(int j=0; j<wDeg; j++) {
00158                         int nbrId = wIt.GetNbrNId(j);
00159                         if(!sgNbrs.IsKey(nbrId) && !sg.Contains(nbrId)) {
00160                                 newExt.Add(nbrId);
00161                                 newSgNbrs.Add(nbrId);
00162                         }
00163                 }
00164                 sg.Push(wId);
00165                 GetSubGraphs_recursive(sg, newSgNbrs, newExt);
00166                 sg.Pop();
00167         }
00168 }
00170 template <class TGraphCounter>
00171 void TSubGraphEnum<TGraphCounter>::GetSubGraphs(PNGraph &Graph, int NId, int SubGraphSz, TGraphCounter &Functor) {
00172         m_graph = Graph;
00173         m_nodes = m_graph->GetNodes();
00174         m_subGraphSz = SubGraphSz;
00175         m_functor = &Functor;
00176         //
00177         TNGraph::TNodeI it=m_graph->GetNI(NId);
00178         int vId = NId;
00179         int vDeg = it.GetDeg();
00180         //Subgraph
00181         TSVec sg(SubGraphSz);
00182         sg.Push(vId);
00183         //Subgraph extension
00184         TSSet ext(m_nodes);
00185         for(int i=0; i<vDeg; i++) {
00186                 int nbrId = it.GetNbrNId(i);
00187                 ext.Add(nbrId);
00188         }
00189         //Subgraph neighbours
00190         TSSet sgNbrs = ext;
00191         //
00192         TExeTm extime;
00193         GetSubGraphs_recursive(sg, sgNbrs, ext);
00194         printf("secs: %llf\n", extime.GetSecs());
00195 }
00198 #endif