SNAP Library 2.0, Developer Reference
2013-05-13 16:33:57
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
00001 #include "bd.h" 00002 00003 //#////////////////////////////////////////////// 00006 class TForestFire { 00007 private: 00008 TRnd Rnd; 00009 PNGraph Graph; 00010 TFlt FwdBurnProb, BckBurnProb, ProbDecay; 00011 TIntV InfectNIdV; // nodes to start fire 00012 TIntV BurnedNIdV; // nodes that got burned (FF model creates edges to them) 00013 // statistics 00014 TIntV NBurnedTmV, NBurningTmV, NewBurnedTmV; // total burned, currently burning, newly burned in current time step 00015 private: 00016 UndefCopyAssign(TForestFire); 00017 public: 00018 TForestFire() : Rnd(1), Graph(), FwdBurnProb(0.0), BckBurnProb(0.0), ProbDecay(1.0) { } 00019 TForestFire(const PNGraph& GraphPt, const double& ForwBurnProb, const double& BackBurnProb, const double& DecayProb=1.0, const int& RndSeed=1) : 00020 Rnd(RndSeed), Graph(GraphPt), FwdBurnProb(ForwBurnProb), BckBurnProb(BackBurnProb), ProbDecay(DecayProb) { } 00021 00022 void SetGraph(const PNGraph& GraphPt) { Graph = GraphPt; } 00023 PNGraph GetGraph() const { return Graph; } 00024 void SetBurnProb(const double& ForwBurnProb, const double& BackBurnProb) { FwdBurnProb=ForwBurnProb; BckBurnProb=BackBurnProb; } 00025 void SetProbDecay(const double& DecayProb) { ProbDecay = DecayProb; } 00026 00027 void Infect(const int& NodeId) { InfectNIdV.Gen(1,1); InfectNIdV[0] = NodeId; } 00028 void Infect(const TIntV& InfectedNIdV) { InfectNIdV = InfectedNIdV; } 00029 void InfectAll(); 00030 void InfectRnd(const int& NInfect); 00031 00032 void BurnExpFire(); // burn each link independently with prob BurnProb (burn fixed percentage of links) 00033 void BurnGeoFire(); // burn fixed number of links 00034 00035 int GetFireTm() const { return NBurnedTmV.Len(); } // time of fire 00036 int GetBurned() const { return BurnedNIdV.Len(); } 00037 int GetBurnedNId(const int& NIdN) const { return BurnedNIdV[NIdN]; } 00038 const TIntV& GetBurnedNIdV() const { return BurnedNIdV; } 00039 void GetBurnedNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const { NIdV = BurnedNIdV; } 00040 void PlotFire(const TStr& FNmPref, const TStr& Desc, const bool& PlotAllBurned=false); 00041 00042 static PNGraph GenGraph(const int& Nodes, const double& FwdProb, const double& BckProb); 00043 }; 00044 00045 00046 //#////////////////////////////////////////////// 00049 class TFfGGen { 00050 public: 00051 typedef enum { srUndef, srOk, srFlood, srTimeLimit } TStopReason; 00052 static int TimeLimitSec; 00053 private: 00054 PNGraph Graph; 00055 // parameters 00056 TBool BurnExpFire; // burn Exponential or Geometric fire 00057 TInt StartNodes; // start a graph with N isolated nodes 00058 TFlt FwdBurnProb, BckBurnProb, ProbDecay; // Forest Fire parameters 00059 TFlt Take2AmbProb, OrphanProb; 00060 public: 00061 TFfGGen(const bool& BurnExpFireP, const int& StartNNodes, const double& ForwBurnProb, 00062 const double& BackBurnProb, const double& DecayProb, const double& Take2AmbasPrb, const double& OrphanPrb); 00063 00064 PNGraph GetGraph() const { return Graph; } 00065 void SetGraph(const PNGraph& NGraph) { Graph = NGraph; } 00066 void Clr() { Graph->Clr(); } 00067 TStr GetParamStr() const; 00068 00069 TStopReason AddNodes(const int& GraphNodes, const bool& FloodStop = true); 00070 TStopReason GenGraph(const int& GraphNodes, const bool& FloodStop = true); 00071 TStopReason GenGraph(const int& GraphNodes, PGStatVec& EvolStat, const bool& FloodStop=true); 00072 void PlotFireSize(const TStr& FNmPref, const TStr& DescStr); 00073 static void GenFFGraphs(const double& FProb, const double& BProb, const TStr& FNm); 00074 }; 00075 00076 /*///////////////////////////////////////////////// 00077 // Forest Fire Phase Transition 00078 ClassTP(TFfPhaseTrans, PFfPhaseTrans)// { 00079 private: 00080 TBool BurExpFire; 00081 TInt NNodes, StartNodes, NRuns; 00082 TFlt Take2AmbProb, OrphanProb, ProbInc; 00083 THash<TFltPr, PGrowthSet> FBPrGSetH; // (Fwd, Bck) -> GrowthSet 00084 THash<TFltPr, PGrowthStat> FBPrGStatH; // (Fwd, Bck) -> AvgGrowthStat 00085 TFSet TakeStatSet; 00086 public: 00087 TFfPhaseTrans(const int& NNds, const int& StartNds, const double& Take2AmbPr, 00088 const double& ProbOrphan, const double& ProbIncrement, const int& NRunsPerFB); 00089 static PFfPhaseTrans New(const int& NNds, const int& StartNds, const double& Take2AmbPr, 00090 const double& ProbOrphan, const double& ProbIncrement, const int& NRunsPerFB); 00091 TFfPhaseTrans(TSIn& SIn); 00092 static PFfPhaseTrans Load(TSIn& SIn); 00093 static PFfPhaseTrans Load(const TStr& InFNm) { TFIn FIn(InFNm); return TFfPhaseTrans::Load(FIn); } 00094 void Save(TFOut& SOut) const; 00095 00096 int Len() const { return FBPrGSetH.Len(); } 00097 void TakeStat(const TFSet& TakeStatFSet) { TakeStatSet = TakeStatFSet; } 00098 TStr GetTitleStr(const int& ValN) const; 00099 TStr GetFNm(const TStr& FNmPref) const; 00100 00101 double GetFProb(const int& ValN) const { return FBPrGSetH.GetKey(ValN).Val1(); } 00102 double GetBProb(const int& ValN) const { return FBPrGSetH.GetKey(ValN).Val2(); } 00103 TFltPr GetFBProb(const int& ValN) const { return FBPrGSetH.GetKey(ValN); } 00104 PGrowthSet GetGSet(const int& ValN) const { return FBPrGSetH[ValN]; } 00105 PGrowthStat GetAvgGStat(const int& ValN) const { return FBPrGStatH[ValN]; } 00106 TFltPr GetGplCf(const int& ValN) const; 00107 TFltPr GetDecDiam(const int& ValN) const; 00108 TFltPr GetEffDiam(const int& ValN, const int& AtTick) const; 00109 TFltPr LastGplCf() const { return GetGplCf(Len()-1); } 00110 TFltPr LastDecDiam() const { return GetDecDiam(Len()-1); } 00111 00112 void GetFProbV(TFltV& FProbV) const; 00113 TFltPr RunForestFire(double FwdProb, double BckProb, const bool& Plot=true); 00114 00115 void FwdProbSteps(const double& MinFwdProb, const double& MaxFwdProb, const double& BckProb); 00116 void FwdProbStepsFact(const double& MinFwdProb, const double& MaxFwdProb, const double& BckFact); 00117 void FwdBckPhasePlot(const double& MinFwdProb, const double& MaxFwdProb, 00118 const double& MinBckFact, const double& MaxBckFact, const int& TimeLimitSec); 00119 00120 void FindGplPhaseTr(const double& StartFProb, const double& FollowGplCf, const TStr& FNmPref, const TStr& Desc=TStr()); 00121 void SaveGplPhaseTr(const double& FollowGplCf, const TStr& FNmPref, const TStr& Desc=TStr()); 00122 void FindDiamPhaseTr(const double& StartFProb, const double& FollowDiamCf, const TStr& FNmPref, const TStr& Desc=TStr()); 00123 void SaveDiamPhaseTr(const double& FollowDiamCf, const TStr& FNmPref, const TStr& Desc=TStr()); 00124 00125 void Merge(const PFfPhaseTrans& FfPhaseTrans); 00126 void Merge(const TFfPhaseTrans& FfPhaseTrans); 00127 }; 00128 //*/ 00129 00130 //#////////////////////////////////////////////// 00132 class TUndirFFire { 00133 private: 00134 TRnd Rnd; 00135 PUNGraph Graph; 00136 double BurnProb; 00137 TIntSet BurnedSet; // all burned nodes in the current iteration 00138 TIntV BurningNIdV, NewBurnedNIdV, AliveNIdV; // temporary 00139 public: 00140 TUndirFFire(const double& _BurnProb=0.3) : Graph(TUNGraph::New()), BurnProb(_BurnProb) { } 00141 void SetGraph(const PUNGraph& GraphPt) { Graph = GraphPt; } 00142 PUNGraph GetGraph() const { return Graph; } 00143 int GetNBurned() const { return BurnedSet.Len(); } 00144 int GetBurnedNId(const int& n) const { return BurnedSet[n]; } 00145 int BurnGeoFire(const int& StartNId); 00146 TFfGGen::TStopReason AddNodes(const int& GraphNodes, const bool& FloodStop=true); 00147 }; 00148