CntEdgesToSet (SWIG)¶
(Graph, NId, NodeSet)
Counts the number of edges between the given node with node id NId and the given set of nodes NodeSet in the provided graph Graph. If Graph is a directed graph, this function will return edges occurring in both directions between the given NId and NodeSet.
- Graph: graph (input)
A graph or network.
- NId: int (input)
The node id of the source node.
- NodeSet:
, a set of ints (input) The set of destination node ids.
- NodeSet:
Return Value:
- int
The number of edges from node with id NId to nodes in the set NodeSet.
The following example shows how to use CntEdgesToSet()
with TNGraph
, TUNGraph
, and TNEANet
import snap
NodeSet = snap.TIntSet()
for NI in range(1,50):
NodeId = 65
Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 100, 1000)
EdgeCount = snap.CntEdgesToSet(Graph, NodeId, NodeSet)
print("Number of edges from %d to NodeSet in PNGraph = %d" % (NodeId, EdgeCount))
UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 100, 1000)
EdgeCount = CntEdgesToSet(UGraph, NodeId, NodeSet)
print("Number of edges from %d to NodeSet in PUNGraph = %d" % (NodeId, EdgeCount))
Network = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNEANet, 100, 1000)
EdgeCount = CntEdgesToSet(Network, NodeId, NodeSet)
print("Number of edges from %d to NodeSet in PNEANet = %d" % (NodeId, EdgeCount))